Dental Light
Dental Light
Curing light
Curing light
Curing light

Curing light

Established in 2004, Hager is the worldwide distributor of curing light, dental chair unit parts, implant chairs, etc. Furthermore, with the efficient production line and strict quality control procedures, the products meet the requirements of stringent certification authorities including EU CE and ISO, etc.

Specification Details
Power Input AC 24V, 50Hz/60Hz
Light Output
1000mW/cm² - 1200mW/cm²
Seal Connect to the dental unit
Working Time 10 seconds working time
Working Modes Full, Ramping, Pulse

Are curing lights necessary for Restorative Dentistry?

Essentials led curing light is a critical part of restorative dentistry, which ensure the filling material is well attached to the tooth and yet it’s frequently the step that is left in the shadows.

What Are the Top Dental Supply Companies?

Established in 2004, Hager is the worldwide distributor of curing light, dental chair unit parts, implant chairs, etc. Furthermore, with the efficient production line and strict quality control procedures, the products meet the requirements of stringent certification authorities including EU CE and ISO, etc.

Features of Best Dental Led Curing Light

best dental led curing light


best dental led curing light


dental curing light tips